Weekly Update - July 28, 2024

Dear Leading Edge Academy Families,

School starts in less than two weeks! We will see all of our students back on campus on August 7th and we have a special orientation for 6th graders and new parents on August 6th. We encourage our families to begin preparing for a successful year and we are here to help. 

This email contains information about preparing for academics, items that need to be completed prior to the start of school, and dates and times for all beginning of year events and activities. 


Preparing for Leading Edge Academics 

Math Expectation 

Our goal is that all students entering 6th (and 7th-8th) grade should know all of their basic math facts listed below. If your student needs to brush up on these skills, please access the practice resources below. 

  • Basic Operations: Quick recall of addition, subtraction (up to 20), multiplication tables, and division facts (up to 12 × 12 and 144 ÷ 12).
  • Fractions and Conversions: Common fraction-to-decimal and fraction-to-percent conversions (e.g., 1/2 = 0.5 = 50%, 1/4 = 0.25 = 25%).
  • Key Geometry and Place Value: Number of degrees in common angles (90°, 180°) and understanding place value in whole numbers and decimals.

Practice Time →  15 - 30 Minutes Daily 

Students working on math facts can practice with these resources daily. Remember we are all capable of doing math. Always use positive and growth focused language when talking about math with your student. 

Reading Expectations

Our goal is that students entering 6th grade should be able to read and interpret a grade level informational or fiction text demonstrating the skills below. Regardless of reading level, students should be reading for 30+ minutes daily. 

  • Comprehension: Ability to understand and interpret both fiction and non-fiction texts, identifying main ideas, supporting details, and themes.
  • Fluency: Ability to read smoothly with appropriate speed, accuracy, and expression.
  • Vocabulary: Strong understanding of grade-level vocabulary and the ability to use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Practice  Time → 30 Minutes Daily

Choose a "family book" and an independent reading book. Take turns reading the "family book" aloud or just read it to your student, then schedule independent reading sessions throughout the day. Reading aloud to preteens and teenagers is a great way to connect and instill a love for reading. They are never too old! 


Technology Expectations

Recent studies highlight a clear link between smartphone and social media use and mental health issues among teenagers. Since smartphones became widespread between 2010 and 2015, major depressive episodes have increased by 145% among girls and 161% among boys. Currently, 30% of girls and 12.5% of boys report experiencing major depressive episodes during their teenage years (Haidt, 2024). Over the coming year, our team will continue to gather data, provide resources, and propose solutions to protect our youth. At school, we aim to encourage face-to-face relationships, promote play, and support academic excellence.

  • School Expectations: Students put cell phones and headphones in their backpacks during class.
  • Set Limits and Screen Content:  
    • Consider leaving smartphones at home. Our office can support you in communicating with your student. 
    • Encourage kids to spend breaks and lunch socializing and playing.  
    • Add Apple Parental Controls  or  Android Parental Controls to your students device to limit screen time and limit access to harmful websites. 
  • Check Out Current Research: 


Parent / Guardian To-Do List 


Key Events 

6th Grade Student Orientation 

  • Information: All 6th graders will meet in the Amphitheater to begin their Leading Edge journey. Our 8th grade WEB leaders have planned a full day of activities, tours, and mentoring to ensure 6th grade students feel confident as they start the school year. Your student's WEB leader will provide support throughout the year, meeting monthly for academic and social follow-ups.

  • Date: Tuesday, August 6

  • Time: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm 

Parent / Guardian Orientation (6th Grade and New Parents / Guardians)

  • Information: All 6th-grade parents and parents of new 7th and 8th-grade students will meet in the amphitheater to begin their Leading Edge journey. Our teachers and principal will guide you through rotations where you will learn about the curriculum, parent responsibilities on campus, and how to access technology.

  • Date: Tuesday, August 6

  • Time: 8:30 am - 12:15 pm 

7th and 8th Grade Schedule Pick-Up 

  • Information: 7th and 8th graders can pick up their class schedules at the times listed below. 

  • Date: Tuesday, August 6 

  • Time:  1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

    • Or 

  • Date: Wednesday, August 7

  • Time: 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.


First Day of School - Late Start Wednesday 

  • Information: Students should be on campus 10-15 minutes prior to the start of classes. For students eating breakfast, please be on campus 30 minutes prior to class start time. Campus opens at 7:45 am daily. 

  • Date:  Wednesday, August 7

  • Time:  9:25 am - 2:40 pm


6th Grade WEB Social 

  • Information: 6th graders are invited to stay for some snacks and activities. Our 8th grade WEB leaders want to ask them about their week and ensure they are feeling connected to the Leading Edge Community. We would like 100% participation from 6th grade students, so please plan accordingly for pick-up.

  • Date: Friday, August 9

  • Time: 2:45 pm - 3:30 pm


Leading Edge Active Parent Meeting (LEAP) 

  • Information: Are you interested in connecting with our LEAP parent community? Your voice and leadership are crucial. LEAP offers many opportunities for our families to make an impact throughout the year.

  • Date:  Thursday, August 15

  • Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

  • Location: TBD


Back to School Night 

  • Information: All families are encouraged to come to Back to School Night to connect with teachers, learn about our curriculum, and ensure that you are equipped to support your student at home. 

  • Date: Thursday, August 22

  • Time:  5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


During these events, we will provide essential information and opportunities for students and parents to connect with teachers and staff. Every Friday afternoon you will receive a weekly update from me. Please take the time to read these updates as they will contain important information and celebrations.  

We look forward to seeing all students on August 7th, 2024 at 9:25 a.m. 



Dr. Vasa Lokteff 

Leading Edge Academy Principal 


[email protected]

Phone: (916) 928-5353 
